Our current Committee make-up
Our Executive Committee is comprised of elected B&CGP officers charged with making decisions on behalf of the wider party, and to take responsibility for the day-to-day running of it on behalf of the members.
We’re a diverse bunch of members, but all passionately believing in the need for a Green Party overhaul of local and national politics – and making the local party run as smoothly and successfully as possible.
Executive Committee elections take place every year at our Annual General Meeting, traditionally held in November. The current Committee was elected in November 2023 and will all have to stand for re-election later this year.
The Committee takes charge of organising member meetings and social events on a regular basis.

Paul Jeater
Treasurer; and Election Agent (Brentwood)
Join our Executive Committee
There are currently some roles that need filling on the B&CGP Executive Committee. If you are interested in volunteering please get in touch with the Chair or come along to one of our meetings.
Any member can put themselves forward, and if you are not sure what roles you might be suitable or have relevant skills for then do come along to one of our regular meetings and talk to a Committee member, or just drop us a line at any time.