
Support your local Green Party

– We’re powered by people like you, not big business

Make a donation to Brentwood & Chelmsford Green Party

Everything we do as Greens in Brentwood and Chelmsford is carried out by dedicated B&CGP volunteers – and we need your help to continue to build our community profile, campaign, and achieve success in local council and general elections.

The Green Party, both nationally and here locally, is funded through donations by individuals like you. We don’t take donations from businesses that are trying to sway our politics. Politics is about people, and delivering a society that puts them first. Ultimately your donation will help us as we work to get Greens elected in Brentwood and Chelmsford.

Can you help with a donation to Brentwood and Chelmsford Green Party? Your donation can make a big difference to us as we build a fairer, greener society. Everything we do is boosted by donations from our amazing supporters.

Real hope. Real change.

You can make a one-off donation or set up a regular payment using the details below.

Send B&CGP a one-off donation

You can send us a one-time donation as a direct bank transfer via your online banking. Simply use our bank account information as detailed below:

Sort code: 40-13-22

Account number: 41151177

Account name: Brentwood and Chelmsford Green Party

Please reference it as: ‘Donation & your name‘.

Or you can send us a cheque payable to ‘Brentwood and Chelmsford Green Party’, to:

Paul Jeater
Brentwood and Chelmsford Green Party
c/o 80 The Furlongs
Essex CM4 0AJ

Please include your name and address when posting that to us for our reference.

Make a regular donation to B&CGP

Can you help with a regular donation to Brentwood and Chelmsford Green Party? Your donation can make a big difference to us as we build a fairer, greener society. Everything we do is boosted by donations from our amazing supporters.

You can set up a standing order for a regular donation in favour of Brentwood and Chelmsford Green Party via your online banking, or by visiting your bank branch, by quoting the same bank account information detailed above.

At the same time please can you let our Treasurer, Paul Jeater, know that you have set this up by emailing with your details.

Brentwood and Chelmsford Green Party thanks you for your invaluable support!

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