Join 60,000 Green Party members!

The Green Party is on the up. We now have over 800 councillors, 4 MPs and we’ve just reached 60,000 members!!!

People across England and Wales are crying out for a positive alternative to the two old parties and that’s exactly what the Green Party is offering.

Want to be part of the change? Join the Green Party today – and come and join us in Brentwood and Chelmsford Green Party

💚 Find out more and Join the Green Party here

Who are we?

We are the Green Party of England and Wales, a political organisation and movement that prioritises building a future that is Green and equal. Greens are now holding those in power to account everywhere, whether it’s from our new Green MPs, our peers in the House of Lords, our London Assembly members or our 100s of Councillors across England and Wales. 

Why should I join the Green Party of England and Wales?

There’s no climate justice without social justice. Whether you are passionate about clean air, human rights, ending systemic racism, or stopping climate change, it’s all linked. We are the only party that understands this and has the plan and policies to tackle these issues and create a fair and sustainable society.

Join the Green Party and 60,000 members

Join the Green Party of England and Wales today!

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