Our next Greens get together will be on Wednesday May 29, when we will be holding an Extraordinary General Meeting to vote on adopting a new constitution for B&CGP.
Our meeting in January assessed the current local party constitution and found that it is in need of updating, having been written around 2015 and still containing references to European elections and various other clauses in need of revision.
Download your copy of the B&CGP January meeting minutes: January 24 B&CGP minutes
The Green Party provide a model constitution, which we felt covered everything we need for our local party. This has been amended as appropriate with B&CGP references.
The current constitution can only be changed at the B&CGP Annual General Meeting (which is traditionally held in November) or at an EGM. Hence the date set for next month for the new constitution to be discussed, ratified and adopted if agreed.
You can download a copy as a PDF to read below so you can prepare your thoughts ahead of joining us on May 29:
B&CGP Draft Constitution – April 2024
How to come and join us for the EGM
The meeting will be held at Chicken & Frog Bookshop on Crown Street in Brentwood, starting at 7.30pm.
It will also be streamed via Zoom for those unable to attend in person – and the link will be emailed to you in advance next month.
As well as the constitution business we will no doubt be discussing the Brentwood elections, potential social gatherings as we move into summer, and looking ahead to a 2024 General Election.
Please put it in your diary, and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible next month!