Vote Green Archives - Brentwood and Chelmsford Green Party Sun, 28 Apr 2024 13:57:26 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Vote Green Archives - Brentwood and Chelmsford Green Party 32 32 Vote Green for Green policies in Brentwood Sat, 27 Apr 2024 12:54:10 +0000 ‘Vote Green for a fairer, greener Brentwood’- that’s the message from your local Greens ahead of the elections on May 2. Green candidates on the ballot for Brentwood Borough Council this coming Thursday have urged voters to use their votes wisely if they want to see real change where they live.  “We can offer voters […]

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‘Vote Green for a fairer, greener Brentwood’- that’s the message from your local Greens ahead of the elections on May 2.

Green candidates on the ballot for Brentwood Borough Council this coming Thursday have urged voters to use their votes wisely if they want to see real change where they live. 

“We can offer voters something different – people who really care about Brentwood,” said Brentwood and Chelmsford Green Party chair Julian Goode, who is on the ballot in Shenfield ward. “We offer real action on the climate and nature emergency – making sure the council administration is held to account against its climate emergency targets.”

This was reinforced by Paul Jeater, candidate in Brentwood North, who said: “Brentwood needs Green councillors to ensure that the other parties aren’t able to ignore the protection of our local environment, green space and nature.

“You have three votes, where possible give one of them to a Green.”

B&CGP has nine candidates standing in wards across the Borough. In Hutton South, John Hamilton is on the ballot, saying: “The future has to be Green, or there won’t be one….!”

Pilgrims Hatch candidate David Hale added: “Only the Greens put our environment at the heart of everything they do,” emphasising that a vote for Brentwood Greens is a vote for saving the environment, greening our area, and protecting nature.

Marc Sardinha, candidate in Brentwood West, underlined that Greens change lives for the better on a national and a local level. “As a resident and business owner in Brentwood, I am proud to stand for the Green Party in my local area to try to make a real difference.

“Brentwood Council desperately needs some fresh blood and new ideas to improve its low standards and current complacency.”

“Greens listen,” stressed Julian Goode. “We want an equitable and fairer society that benefits everyone.

“We know what a huge appetite there is for green policies and for having a greener, fairer Brentwood. But if you Want Green, then you need to Vote Green on May 2.”

If you want to see what Greens stand for everywhere, then watch the launch of our local elections campaign with Green Party of England and Wales co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay. 

The post Vote Green for Green policies in Brentwood appeared first on Brentwood and Chelmsford Green Party.
